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Children who stay for lunch are welcomed into the main school hall. We provide all meals in house. All food is cooked by a team of experienced caterers who prepare our delicious meals from scratch on a daily basis. All our children have the choice of a hot meal, jacket potato with a choice of toppings or freshly prepared sandwiches from our deli bar.  A school meal is charged at £2.40p per day for Foundation 1 and is free for Foundation 2.

We are able to cater for a wide range of dietary requirements and allergies.  Should your child have any particular dietary requirements or allergies please complete this on your child’s information form which will be sent just before your child starts. A member of our team will be in contact to discuss the requirement and will ensure there is always a suitable meal waiting. 

We encourage children to try new tastes and will feed back to you in the first couple of weeks on what they have eaten, but hopefully the children will do this for us! 


If you prefer, you can choose to provide your child with a packed lunch.  We are a health promoting school and would like to encourage all our children to have a healthy well balanced lunch and would encourage you to support this ethos.


Once lunch is finished the children have time exploring the outdoor classroom before returning to the Early Years classroom to begin their afternoon session.


Foundation 1 arrangements

Children who attend the morning session only are welcome to stay for lunch and leave at 12:30pm. This will be chargeable £3  (plus lunch) and is subject to availability.

Children who attend the afternoon session only are welcome to come early at 11:45am and join the class for lunch before beginning the afternoon session at 12:30pm. This will be chargeable at £3.00 (plus lunch) per day and is subject to availability.


