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Mental Health and Wellbeing

Whole school culture

Senior mental health lead  

Mental health first aiders across the school

Child friendly displays to help children

Enhanced transition sessions for Year 6 children

Progressive e-safety curriculum with regular reminders (Wake Up Wednesday)

Behaviour for Learning assemblies- SMART team

Whole school assemblies to celebrate achievements and learn about culture, values and staying safe 

PSHE lessons following Heartsmart 

Weekly PSHE lessons following ‘myhappymind’

Happiness heroes across the school

Approachable staff 

with open door policy

Commitment to staff training and continually adapting our school offer

Rich variety and number of extracurricular clubs 

Staff welcoming children to school everyday including ELSA and SLT as ‘informal point of contact’

Clear school values 

Growth mindset culture

ELSA in school

Worry boxes in every classroom

Internal enhanced provision

Parent / staff concerns reported to Pastoral Team 


Meeting with class teacher, parents and, wherever possible, a mental health first aider arranged 


Reasonable adjustments made 


Mental health and wellbeing assessment using ELSA diagnostic resource 


Whole class workshops ran by the Wirral Mental Health Support Teams CWP Wirral CAMHS.

So far topics covered have been 'Resilience', 'Worry' in Yr1/2 and in Summer 2 Year 3/4 and 5/6 pupils will be supported with 'Transistions'.



Examples include - adaptations to timetables, lunchtime club attended, personalised ‘meet and greet’ in the mornings, seating arrangements adapted, daily ‘check-ins’.



Examples include - CAMHs and ELSA resources delivered by teaching assistants, Lego therapy, ELSA support sessions, MHST referrals and intervention. 


Speech and Language Therapist support, CAMHS, Educational Psychologist assessment (if required), ADHD Foundation counselling, Wirral’s Mental Health Services, Team Thumbs Up., Family Toolbox.




New website for parents and carers

Family Toolbox is a free online hub to help Wirral families be the strongest they can be. It has been designed with families across Wirral and has loads of information about everyday family life to share, to help boost your confidence and skills and develop that vital bounce-back ability, so that you can weather life’s storms.  

·        Find loads of tried and tested tips on parenting, looking after yourself and life as a family.  

·        Introduce yourself to people and places who can give you a bit of support. 

·        Find out what’s on in Wirral for you and your family.  

·        Take space to reflect on what’s going on at home and what you’d like to change. 

·        Save your family’s favourite ideas, resources and places to your own Toolbox. 



Welcome to the Sandbox?

Wirral Sandbox is an expanding risk assessment and service directory tool for anyone working with young people. It can be used to help inform risk assessment, help you to find the correct service to help you to support a young person, provide you with helpful guidance, advice, tips, resources to help you to support young people at the earliest possible stage as well as keeping you up to date on the latest from the wide network of services for young people in Wirral.

Resources, content and service information is shareable at the click of a button helping you to easily and share them on to service users, colleagues and other professionals. Look for the share icon in each category.

If a child or young person is at risk of harm, abuse or neglect please report it to the Wirral Integrated Front Door Team:

Mon-Fri, 9:00am – 5.00pm Tel: 0151 606 2008

Outside of these hours Tel: 0151 677 6557


If at any time you believe a child is being harmed or at immediate risk of harm always dial 999.
