Hoylake Holy Trinity CE Primary School has a legal and moral duty to promote good attendance for our children.
We have set an attendance target of at least 97% percent attendance for all children. Children who have good attendance at school, flourish; socially, emotionally and academically.
We understand that children get ill and hope that we can support you with this. Please let us know if a child will be absent before school starts so that we know where the children are when we are taking the register and therefore removing a possible safeguarding concern. Although we will usually authorise explained absences for illness, we may request supporting medical evidence when the attendance becomes a concern. Evidence could include appointment cards, backs of prescriptions etc.
Hoylake Holy Trinity CE Primary School works very closely with the LA Attendance Team. They visit the school regularly and analyse the data of all children in the school. Where attendance is identified as being low, the attendance team will support and challenge parents to gain improvement.
Below 95% needs improving.
Below 90% is a concern. We will contact you about your child's attendance if it is below 90% and request a school based meeting to look at how we can support your child's attendance at school.
Below 85% is a significant concern. We will arrange a school based meeting to create an action plan with you to improve your child's attendance. Your child's attendance will be monitored daily by our administration team.
The school can only authorise absences for:
The school cannot authorise leave for requested holidays. This is regardless of the cost of holidays, bookings by other family members (grandparents etc) or extended family celebrations (family wedding etc). Proof of the wedding may be required although it is still unlikely that a whole holiday would be authorised. Please do not book holidays during term time.
Unauthorised absences may result in fixed penalty notice fines being applied or further legal action being undertaken by the LA Attendance Team from Wirral Council. Current fines, that are not paid to the school are £60 per child, per adult. For example, a family with three children could receive a fine of 3 x £60 for each adult, in this case - £360! Of-course, we don't want this to happen to you so please avoid booking holidays in term time.
Punctuality is also equally as important. This is monitored daily by the administration staff and can also result in fines if efforts to improve punctuality are not made.
If you have any worries or concerns about your child that you think maybe impacting on their attendance, please let the school know straight away. Call us on 0151 632 4153.
Parents are discouraged from withdrawing their children from school in term time for family holidays because this may impact on their progress. Head Teachers may only authorise holidays in term time in exceptional circumstances. Parents who believe their circumstances are exceptional are asked to complete an Application for Leave of Absence form which is available from the school office and can be downloaded below. This form should be returned to the school well in advance of the proposed leave and before committing to any expense. Parents who withdraw their child for unauthorised holidays in term time may be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice.