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Cultural Capital at HHT

Hoylake Holy Trinity CE Primary School

 ‘Learning For Life, Caring For All, Living Each Day To The Full, Together As A Community, with Jesus by our side.’


Cultural Capital

Our School Pledge


We want all our children be confident, happy, inquisitive learners, who have access to a range of experiences and activities linked to our British and Christian Values. To support this we have written our school pledge to ensure all children have an all-embracing range of learning experiences.


At Hoylake Holy Trinity, our children will:



A swimming pool and all swim over 25m

An outdoor learning environment

Art gallery and Exhibit in an art gallery

Historical places

School fairs

School discos

The local area

And take part in Church services

A live concert / performance

And be engaged with the Library


Important contributors to our local community Members of our parish

Published authors

And work with children from local schools

And talk with children further in other countries People and hear about work to widen their knowledge of the world




Preparing their own food

Using modern technology

Speak a different language

Playing an instrument

Performing or present to an audience

A residential trip

Being part of our local community and supporting local projects such as Coast to Country

Promote our work across the Wirral and share our learning with others

Understand, hear about and experience different cultures and festivals

Be part of a concert or performance

British and Christian values

Being part of an inclusive school

Working together to promote pupil voice and the School Council

Contributing and supporting charity work

Sports Competitions

Participation in clubs

Singing as part of a group or choir

Growing and producing food in the school garden


Our curriculum is rich, broad and balanced, reflecting the distinctive Christian nature of our school.
